Medway Dam Project – Metallic Ion Removal

ResMix 3000

Agriculture activity in the Medway Dam catchment area caused high levels of oxygen leaching nutrients to be flushed into the storage. This resulted in high concentrations of dissolved metallic ions. This, combined with favourably hot conditions, meant outbreaks of toxic cyanobacteria were frequent.

Dosing with powdered activated carbon to remove algal toxins, increased treatment costs and during the most severe algal outbreaks, water treatment facilities proved inadequate and unable to produce safe water for household consumption. In these instances, alternate water sources were required, which further increased operating costs.

  • Name of Storage:Medway Dam
  • Volume of storage:1,270ML
  • Purpose:Removal of metallic ions
  • Product installed: ResMix 3000
  • Client:Wingecarribee Shire Council
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