• Wentworth to Broken Hill Pipeline – Securing and improving the regions water supply

    August 6th, 2020 | by
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    The future long-term water supply of the Broken Hill Region was secured with the construction of a 270km pipeline from Wentworth to Broken Hill.  The pipeline is designed to deliver upto 37 megalitres of raw water a day to the region.  

    A key component in this project is a 720 Megalitre bulk water storage facility just outside of Broken Hill.  Water is delivered into two bulk water dams where the water is detained prior to being treated for consumption in the Water Treatment Plant in Broken Hill.

    The Primary concern of the project team was how to ensure that the water being delivered to these bulk water dams could be improved having been piped for at least 4 days.  This called for a mixing and aeration solution that would meet water quality requirements.  This was primarily focused on overcoming the Dissolved Oxygen depletion caused by the transit of the water, to prevent stagnation in the storage and reduce the risks of stratification and algae growth.  

    WEARS were selected by Jacob’s engineering after a stringent review and assessment to provide mixing to the Bulk Water storage lagoons. 

    The WEARS ResMix 1000 was chosen due to its ability to ensure algae management and dissolved oxygen parameters were met during typical operation providing superior whole of life outcomes. 

  • Mannus Lake – Blue Green Algae Control to protect downstream fish habitats

    July 17th, 2020 | by
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    Mannus Lake is a recreational lake located 4km west of Tumbarumba and is a popular location for recreational fishing.  There is significant nutrient rich runoff into the dam and catchment.  This nutrient rich water combined with the still/slow-flowing water makes Mannus Lake a Blue Green Algae breading ground. 

    The Lake is often closed to recreational users due to high Blue Green Algae levels.  However downstream impacts of this Toxic Blue Green Algae is impacting endangered Macquarie Perch habitats and populations. 

    This project is a joint co-operation between NSW Department of Primary Industries and the Snowy Valleys Council. WEARS were engaged because of our long and successful history with Blue Green Algae mitigation through top to bottom exchange mixing and disrupting the algae reproduction cycle. This is achieved by improving the overall water quality of the Lake and by mixing the highly oxygen rich surface water with the anoxic water at the bottom of the lake. 

    WEARS installed a ResMix 3000 system which will continue to improve the water in the Mannus Lake, reducing the severity and algal blooms. 

  • Jordan Lake, North Carolina – Water Quality Solution

    September 5th, 2017 | by
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    Jordan Lake, Water Quality Solution Improvement, ResMix – the Low cost, highly effective solution

    Jordan Lake is the main water source for 300,000 residents in the areas of Cary and Apex in North Carolina. Jordan Lake has a long history of inconsistent water quality resulting in; water treatment challenges, taste and odour issues, increased blue-green algae levels, low dissolved oxygen and elevated levels of dissolved iron and manganese. The managers of Jordan Lake undertook a lengthy study which proposed three solutions:

    1. An expensive upgrade to the water treatment plant.
    2. Heavily dosing water with expensive chemicals.
    3. Installing a source water management system like WEARS ResMix 5000cc systems.

    The installation of a proven disruptive technology such as the WEARS ResMix solution represented the most cost effective solution but had secondary benefits such as the significant reduction in chemicals needed to treat water, significantly less energy demands, and did not create additional residuals requiring disposal. 

    As part of the selection process, the US Army Corps of Engineers completed an environmental review of the proposal, including an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed water quality enhancement project. The WEARS ResMix system was assessed against available market options and chosen for Jordan Lake. 

    To find out more about the Town of Cary process, visit their website, or read related press coverage. 

  • Timor Dam Project – Cyanobacterial Bloom Control

    January 12th, 2017 | by
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  • Cooby and Perseverance Dams Project – Reservoir and Water Quality Management

    September 27th, 2016 | by
  • Medway Dam Project – Metallic Ion Removal

    September 27th, 2016 | by
  • Swanbank Reservoir Project – Cyanobacterial Bloom Control

    September 27th, 2016 | by
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